Goukaku Boy Series - Shikakui Atama o Maruku Suru - Shakai Battle Hen (Japan) (Imagineer) - 姆克游戏
Goukaku Boy Series - Shikakui Atama o Maruku Suru - Shakai Battle Hen (Japan) (Imagineer)
New Chessmaster, The (USA, Europe)
Aerostar (Japan)
Star Trek - The Next Generation (Germany)
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (Japan)
Game Boy Gallery - 5 Games in 1 (Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
Game & Watch Gallery (USA) (Rev 1) (SGB Enhanced)
Rockman World (Japan) (En) (Beta)
Star Sweep (Japan) (SGB Enhanced)
Mystic Quest (Germany)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 - Turtles Kikiippatsu (Japan)
Sword of Hope, The (USA)
Football International (Europe)
Tom to Jerry (Japan)
Bo Jackson - Two Games in One (USA)
Taiyou no Tenshi Marlowe - Ohanabatake wa Dai-panic (Japan)
Home Alone (Japan)
Prince of Persia (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
After Burst (Japan)
Skate or Die - Tour de Thrash (USA)
Dr. Franken (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Sv)
Burai Fighter Deluxe (USA, Europe)
Jungle Strike (USA)
R-Type II (Japan)
World Heroes 2 Jet (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
Last Action Hero (USA, Europe)
Block Kuzushi GB (Japan) (SGB Enhanced)
Dragon's Lair (Japan)
Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves (Germany)
Ring Rage (USA)
Goukaku Boy Series - Shikakui Atama o Maruku Suru - Suuji de Asobou Sansuu Hen (Japan)
© 姆克游戏